Friend, If You Are Serious About Wanting To Make Money Online And Don't Want To Waste Your Time, Doing MLM, Affiliate Marketing or Recruiting People! I Have Your Solution, and
I Will Personally Coach You - FOR FREE...


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Ready His Story…

For 10 years I have been personally coaching and assisting people become successful entrepreneurs in the home based business/direct sales industry and now I am taking it to a whole new level: 100 Millionaires by 2014. Everything is in place… Turn-key products, automated marketing systems, step-by-step training, one-on-one coaching, community and support.

2013-12-06_1315-300x167I have trained doctors, lawyers, truck drivers, nurses, stay at home moms, CEO, corporate executives, to name a few and am now on a mission to be the FIRST person in the industry to be responsible for creating 100 multi-millionaires by LEVERAGING my success and experience in a cutting edge, top-tier opportunity. Read on to see how you can join the team!

I have been an entrepreneur in the direct sales industry for over 10 years. When I first got started, I was working a sales job in the web services industry.

I hated my life. I was working 50-60 hours a week and was close to I have been an entrepreneur in the direct sales industry for over 10 years. When I first got started, I was working a sales job in the web services burnout.

IMG_2284-e1388367156899-300x179My weekends were spent dreading Monday and I was doing this all for a measly $50- $70k a year!

Within 90 days of getting started in the direct sales industry, I was already making more at home PT than I was bringing home from my job.

I went into work one day and fired my boss. WOW! Talk about an empowered feeling. I FIRED MY BOSS! How many of you can’t WAIT to fire your boss. Less than 90 days earlier I was a slave like everyone else there. What a feeling. I can remember driving home that day with the most exhilarating feeling imaginable.

175818_171964216182965_1446927_o-e1388360847900-300x180Within 6 months I was averaging almost as much income per month as I was used to making PER YEAR! YES. I turned my yearly income into a monthly income in less than 6 MONTHS! Here’s kind of what that looks like…..

I went from a rented house to a beautiful home of my own with custom built gold fish pond and waterfall. The landscape job alone was almost as much as I used to earn in a year and I paid for it in cash.

I used to drive a ’94 Honda Accord with 220,000 miles on it and in need of a muffler, Next thing I knew I was in a 1998 Audi and then soon after that I ordered a custom built 2000 BMW.

me-and-marines-e1388364519336-300x174I’m not telling you this to brag, I simply want to share with you what’s possible if you give yourself the opportunity.

Here’s how I got started: Basically I am a guy who likes to travel, have fun, enjoy life, and NOT work very hard. That’s why I never really got very far in school or working for a boss. I was always too “busy” day-dreaming, surfing the net, or thinking about golfing to get much done. Yet I always knew that I would become a millionaire, somehow, some way, by the time I was 30 yrs old….

One day when I was at work, hating my job, and  I stumbled across a website. It talked about this guy who was making 1000 bucks a day from home doing some online thing. I filled out a form on his website and waited 3 days for him to call me back. When he called me I told him my goal was to make $50K a MONTH, just joking around. He said, “Sure, I can show you how to do that.”

2013-12-06_1318-300x165“YA RIGHT!” I laughed. I didn’t believe him for a second. BUT…….HOLY COW! A whole new world opened up to me!

I couldn’t believe what I heard. Everyday guys like me were making executive and CEO incomes like nobodies business online! I got started with him immediately. I successfully replaced my income from my job within 90 days (and fired my boss.) I was making more per MONTH than I had been accustomed to per YEAR ….within 6 months. No kidding.

I never looked back.To make a long story short, I figured out for the first time in my life that I could actually make a ton of money and not work 50 hours a week.

NN51unOH7yiksFqzu-V1wqO90Dr7tTFBgHKN9FTg0AUSCB49PYxemgnqKa0FC-juZo5v_4wkUzf6nhcmylryqk-e1388366622361-300x163I typically work about 30 hours a week. I love what I do. And I am extremely passionate about helping people. I do my very best to get back with everyone who asks for help within 24-48 business hours (I don’t usually work Fridays though) however since I get dozens of requests from people all around the world every day, this is not always possible. This is where I am going to ask YOU for some help. I am going to ask YOU to help ME bypass all the jokers by picking up the phone and calling ME directly once you fill out the information request form below.

Like I said, this will separate you from all of the jokers who are not as serious as YOU, but whom we still have to call back anyway! Just leave me a brief message if I don’t answer and I PROMISE to call you back as soon as I can.

How badly do you want out of your JOB or current situation?

PapO7_i-M9Ib5SAoJW7sw3jweR-Pna8a-QsuLSaQN2Q-e1388366766234-300x165I will simply help you evaluate your current situation, talk about where you want to go and how quickly you want to get there. We will create a “plan of action” specifically for you! I will show you what is available and what is possible. I work with some of the top entrepreneurs in the direct sales, Internet marketing, and network marketing industries. I HAVE THE CONNECTIONS. Trust me. My goal is to help you put money in YOUR pocket within 2 weeks and replace your current income within 30-90 days. My only question to you is…. what do you believe is possible?

 If you notice, I’m not jumping up and down telling you how much you can make or how much I’ve made. Why? I am looking to partner with serious, intelligent people ready to build a business. Entrepreneurial minded people with great work ethic READY to do WHATEVER it takes, as long as it takes.

NNWKVHvzgh6UqhDGjQyAnuym5j8r692InUJldShY7Fw-e1388366853623-300x161Besides, my results don’t guarantee your own. Anyone can be successful, but that’s up to them. Again, if you’re looking for a lottery ticket, PLEASE do us both a favor and answer someone else’s ad.

I work with some of the top income earners in the industry. Not only will we teach you how to do exactly what we do, we will continue to work together. I will be your personal coach every step of the way.

If this is all too good to be true, then I suggest that you maybe go back to whatever you’re doing and put your money into a savings account. You will be joining 200 MILLION other broke people who choose to slave their lives away making entrepreneurs like us even MORE.

2013-12-29_1837-300x175The problem is not that it could be too good to be true, the problem is that people who think that way are just using that as an excuse; because subconsciously they don’t feel they deserve something this great. Unfortunately there is nothing that I can do for people like this.

I was raised knowing I could BE, DO, and HAVE whatever I want, as long as I just make big decisions and put my mind to it. I did exactly that, and so can you. Just get out of your own way!

Don’t let someone like me tell you what to do. Make your own decision. You’ll either be glad you did, or regret you didn’t.

This is about YOU changing YOUR financial situation. If you are serious about changing your life forever fill out the form below. I am ready and able to assist you!

Your friend on the “inside”,

-Charles Joseph



P.S. What I’m going to share with you right now are a few secrets of my success. I am not going to give you some hyped up – – fluffy – hypothetical BS …I’m going to give you the hard facts on how I have found success….. whether or not you choose to believe anything I say is entirely up to you.

P.S.S. Remember, just 10 years ago, I was completely “in-the-dark” about almost all of this and got taken and scammed countless times. Don’t make the same mistakes I did, they’re not fun and they’re really expensive!) Now I have a staff of 3 full-time and 1 part-time marketing and support personnel just to manage and train my team of over 1200 consultants! Listen carefully here, even if you never work with me, you want to know this stuff!

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