
Internet Millionaire Reveals Revolutionary Plan To “Fix” The Internet…

“I Will Give You A System For FREE That Is Guaranteed
To Make You At Least $1,000 Within 30 Days…
Or I Will Pay You $500 CASH Out Of My Own Pocket”

     Charles Joseph                  Matt Lloyd

From The Desk Of Charles Joseph & Matt Lloyd

Perth, Australia

Dear Home Business Entrepreneur,

The Internet is “broken.”

An overwhelming 99% of people who try to make money online fail.

And all the so-called “gurus” out there want $100s or $1,000s for their products BEFORE you can make money with them.

Which brings up the question, “If these programs actually worked, why wouldn’t these gurus give them away and wait until AFTER you made money to get paid?”

Good question.

My name is Matt Lloyd, and I’ve decided to “fix” the Internet once and for all.

You see, I understand that you are here because you need money… and that you need it NOW.

I also understand that you need to see results before spending money on any more products or training programs.

Now, all of my fellow millionaire Internet marketers are going to call me crazy (or worse), but I am going to do what no one else in my industry has ever done…

I’m going to give you a proven money-making system for FREE…
and never ask you for a single dime for it
until AFTER you make money with it.

Here’s how it works…

I have a developed a revolutionary system called My Top Tier Business that has changed the rules of the game.

This system has already generated over $4 million in revenue, a whopping HALF of which has been paid out in commissions (that’s $2 MILLION cash in commissions).

In fact, this 21-step system works so well that I am willing to give it to you for FREE and personally guarantee that you will make at least $1,000 in commissions within 30 days of completing all the steps.

Note: The commission levels you make with this system are $1,000… $3,000… and $5,000 so $1,000 is the bare minimum that you can make with this.

And I’m going to go one step further…

I’m so confident that this will work for you, that I will pay you $500 CASH if you don’t make at least $1,000 within 30 days.

I will send you $500 via PayPal… or (if you don’t have a PayPal account) I will send you a check for $500.

Now, in order to qualify for this over-the-top guarantee, you need to actually go through and complete each of the 21 steps and work with your coach (yes, you get a personal coach for free).

Don’t worry though, all of these steps are simple, easy-to-follow, and can be done in your spare time (I’ll go into more detail on this in a minute).

Who else in our industry would make such a
crazy $500 CASH Guarantee?

Nobody. (I checked).

Now, the reason I am willing to make this guarantee is because I KNOW that this will work for you (like it has for so many others).

And when it does, I will also make money from the sales made to your leads… and I will have a new buyer to make backend sales to for months (even years) to come.


What is My Top Tier Business?

In a nutshell, My Top Tier Business is a step-by-step system for making your first (or next) $1,000… $3,000… or $5,000 commission online.

Even if you have no experience with online marketing, it will put you in a position to make thousands of dollars in a matter of weeks by showing you exactly what you need to do to make REAL money in this business right now.
My Top Tier Business will give you all the tools, training, and personal 1-on-1 coaching you need to make your first $1,000… $3,000… or $5,000 commission…

… AND set you up to start making these commissions over and over again like clockwork.

When this gets rolling, you can easily make $10,000 (or more) every single month.

Some of my partners – like John Chow – have already made over $100,000 in commissions doing this.

John has made roughly $130,000 in commissions in less than one year with this system and most of that income has come in onauto-pilot.

Check out this picture of John holding his check for $128,804.40!


And here’s a picture of Jonathan Budd walking up to the stage to receive his check for $118,365:


And while John Chow and Jonathan Budd did have some prior online experience… I have plenty of partners who were complete “newbies” who took My Top Tier Business and ran with it.

People like Ken Faminoff, who earned $36,000 in commissions with my system after ONLY 8 months online.

Now, the secret to making BIG commissions with this system comes down to one simple idea… top tier direct sales.

What does “Top Tier Direct Sales” mean?

Top Tier is basically a fancy name for “high price point.”

Top Tier companies have higher entry levels (higher prices) than traditional direct sales companies.

This means that you make a LOT more money with a lot less sales.

For example…

Let’s say you wanted to make $100,000 a month.

If you tried to make $100,000 by selling $10 ebooks, you would need to sell 10,000 ebooks.

On the other hand, if you sold a $10,000 program you would only need to make 10 sales.

10 is lot less than 10,000…

Pretty much a no-brainer.

The catch is… it is harder to make that $10,000 sale.

Until now…

You see, My Top Tier Business takes care of ALL the hard work of making high-ticket sales for you.

Top Tier will…

– show you how to easily get qualified traffic

– automatically put your leads into tested and proven marketing funnels

– filter out the “goldmine leads” from those who are just curious (tire-kickers)

– follow up with your biggest potential money-makers

– and sell the best (and most profitable) programs I have ever created

On top of that…

My phone sales team will pick up the phone and
sell your leads into higher ticket programs FOR YOU
and you still get the commissions.

You never need to pick up the phone and make a sale if you don’t want to. (Of course, if you DO want to you can… and your commissions will be bigger).

I want to stress how important this is… so I’m going to say it again.

My professional phone sales team – many of whom are 6-figure earners – will get on the phone and close high-priced (top tier) programs FOR YOU.

They get a percentage of the sale… and you get a FAT commission (for doing nothing). Your commission with range from $1,000 to $5,000 depending on the program sold.

This is the secret behind the success of My Top Tier Business system.

By far the most effective way to sell high-priced programs is 1-on-1 over the phone.

And most people NEVER figure out how to do it themselves.

Either they don’t like talking on the phone, they’re scared of selling, or they just flat-out don’t know what to say.

And that’s Ok… it takes a certain personality type and unique set of skills to sell over the phone.

If that’s not you… that’s fine.

You have other skills that will allow you make money online. Focus on those skills and let the professionals (my team) make the calls for you as you sit back and watch the commissions roll in.

And as if that’s not enough…

If you don’t want to learn how to generate traffic…
my team will get traffic FOR YOU.

My experienced team of traffic-generation experts will get high-converting, qualified leads FOR YOU and put them into my proven sales funnels for a small fee per lead.

So with My Top Tier Business system, everything that normally makes top tier direct sales tough is literally DONE FOR YOU.



Proven marketing funnels and follow up.


Best-selling products, done-for-you phone sales, and high-ticket programs.

Check, check, and check.

“So Matt, if all of this runs on auto-pilot… why do you need me?”

The truth is…

I don’t.

At least not to make more Top Tier sales.

As you can see, my system is already setup to make me money without you being involved.

I can (and do) spend money on advertising to get leads into my funnels and I sell them products ranging from a few hundred dollars to upwards of $15,000 (or more).

But I DO need you for another reason.

My company is built on the success of my students.

The more success my students have… the more buzz that My Top Tier Business generates.

The more buzz in the industry, the easier it is for my phone sales team to sell high-ticket programs.

You see… I want you to succeed with My Top Tier and I want your testimonial. The more Success Stories I have, the easier it will be for my company to reach my goal of doing $20 million this year in revenue.

In order for me to reach that goal, I need to have TWO things in place:

  1. A tested and proven system for turning leads into dollars.
  2. An international community of successful partners.

I’ve already accomplished #1.

It took me almost 2 solid years of working 10-hour days and over $150,000 in expenses to develop it… but I finally “cracked the code” and built one of the most reliable systems for turning leads into cash in the history of online marketing.

That system is My Top Tier Business.

As of today it has generated over $4 million in revenue, and it’s just getting warmed up.

This system took me from where I was just a few years ago – a broke college student scraping by mowing lawns and making $700/mo – to running one of the fastest growing companies in the home business niche in the entire world.

I now clear more than $100,000 per month on a regular basis, host events and masterminds all over the world, and have the freedom and lifestyle of a truly independent entrepreneur.
But just as rewarding as the money (and equally as important to my bottom line)… is the success of you – my partners.

Which brings me to #2.

Every day I reward my partners with
ever-growing commissions.

And the Success Stories and testimonials from all over the world keep pouring in – partners from the U.S. to the Philippines, Chile to Singapore, and Canada to Australia are sending in videos, Facebook posts, and written testimonials about the success they’re having.

People like…

“…the very first person I introduced to [this system], I earned a $14,000 commission…”


-Terry Lamb, USA

“In last 45 days or so I have made $15,396.40 in commissions and one of the most surprising parts was the up-sell effectiveness. Matt and his team are doing an excellent job of closing sales on the backend and everybody is happy with their purchases.”


– Andrea Goodsaid, Gainesville, Florida

“I joined Matt Lloyd’s program roughly 30 days ago. I’ve had some pretty impressive results without putting in that much effort – I’ve earned $2,910 dollars so far. The best part is… I’ve really only been doing free and low-cost marketing.”


– Scott Dudley, Australia

“Last Sunday I woke up, made myself a cup of coffee, and was sitting on the couch watching TV with my son. I checked my Facebook account and I had a message from Matt saying, ‘Hey… you just made $1,200 bucks in commission.’ As you can imagine, I was pretty happy. Later that day I had another message saying, ‘Hey… you just made another $950 in commissions.’ The funny thing is the day before I just booked a expensive holiday to Singapore with my wife and kid, so to make two grand the next day in commissions was excellent.”


– David Gilks, WA Australia

As all of these Success Stories come in, it creates an international buzz about my company and my revenue skyrockets. So far the community is strong (and growing) but in order to hit my goal of $20 million a year… I need to add YOUR success story.

So, not only will I let you “get in” on My Top Tier Business system for free, but I’ll also motivate you with other perks like the one below…

alternate textCarolina Millan:  “Here’s my Merc and I :) . Thank you Matt for making this possible”
alternate textJunjun Li (Platinum Member):  “Thanks so much for Matt Lloyd and whole MOBE team.”
alternate textJohn Chow (Platinum Member):  “Sally (my daughter) likes her new MOBE Mercedes SL550. :)
alternate textDavid Gilks (Platinum Member):  ”Thankyou Matt, here is the one I got this week – it’s an A180”

They say money can’t buy happiness
but it definitely doesn’t hurt.

Just look at the smiles on the faces of the people above who got a free Mercedes (on me) for bringing in a certain number of sales for one of my programs (I’ll reveal how you can get your own Merc when you join My Top Tier Business system).

“Ok, I’m Ready. How Do I Get Started?”

First, let’s recap what you get…

– the Internet’s only Done For You direct sales system that will deposit $1,000, $3,000, and $5,000 commissions into your back account WITHOUT you ever having to pick up the phone

– personal 1-on-1 coaching with one of my Top Tier Coaches (all of my coaches are 6-figure earners and bona-fide online marketing experts)

– daily training lessons, videos, and webinars

– 21 simple steps to making your first $1,000 online even if you have no computer skills whatsoever

– insider access to the most effective sales funnels and best-selling products in the home business niche today

– the secret “4th ingredient” to my master Sales Formula that can instantly DOUBLE your income overnight

– a professional sales staff that will make phone sales FOR YOU

– Done For You product fulfillment, payment processing and customer service (I handle all the “grunt work” for the programs sold to your leads)

– access to my traffic-generation team that will get qualified leads FOR YOU

Now, before I tell you how to get started I want you to know that…

This is NOT for everybody.

I honestly don’t want most people who read this to partner with me.

Unfortunately most people won’t put it in the time to go through the 21 steps in this program.

Even though each step can be completed in less than 30 minutes a day, you DO need to put in the time in order to “get it.”

Sometimes the steps are as simple as getting on the phone with your coach.

Other days, you’ll just have to watch a quick video.

But I know (from experience) that some people won’t even do that.

And if you’re not willing to put in 30 minutes a day, then I can’t help you.

If you can’t trade watching one sitcom on TV (which takes about 30 minutes) for a better financial future, then I cannot accept you into the program.

I simply don’t have enough coaches to support people who aren’t serious about making REAL money in this business.

It’s a waste of their time, and (frankly) my time as well.

On the other hand…

If you know deep down in your gut that you want this…

– if you want to change your life for the BETTER

– if you can see yourself making $10,000 (or more) per month

– and if you want to live life on YOUR terms

Then I want you to apply TODAY.

Your Application Kit (you get immediately upon applying) includes:

– Instant Online Application: You will get a call from someone on my staff who will ask you 5 simple questions to make sure you’re a good fit for My Top Tier. You will NOT be sold anything on this call.

– Private Access Code: You’ll get instant access to the exclusive My Top Tier Business online training area (once accepted). Your training area includes over 70 hours of online training videos PLUS other tools and resources I normally charge hundreds of dollars for (total value $997).

– Unlimited access to a Top Tier Coach: Your coach will be personally assigned to you and available to answer any questions you have (once accepted).

Don’t worry… you don’t need to go through everything in the Application Kit to be accepted. All you need to do is pick up the phone when someone from my office calls you and answer a few simple questions (you will NOT be sold anything on this call).

Note: If accepted, you will also have to fill out a Non-Disclosure Agreement. This agreement states that you will not share any of the information you learn in the My Top Tier Business system with outside parties. Some of the information you’ll be getting is highly confidential and I can’t risk my competitors discovering my secrets.

My Top Tier Business System

The cost for My Top Tier Business System is normally $5,000.

But (like I said before), I understand that you need to see results BEFORE you pay for anything.

Which is why I’m not going to ask for your $5,000 until you’ve made $50,000 in commissions from this system.

You won’t have to pay for the program until you’ve made 10 times the “cost” of the system first.

And if you never make $50,000… then you owe absolutely NOTHING. You will never have to pay the $5,000.

Pretty fair, huh?

Plus… Don’t Forget My Insane $500 Cash Guarantee

Remember, if you don’t make at least $1,000 in commissions within 30 days of going through the 21 steps in My Top Tier Business System, then I will pay you $500 CASH out of my own pocket.

I’m so confident that this will work for you that I’m willing to back it up with $500 cold hard cash.

Now, in order to make such a bold, ballsy (and some would say insane) guarantee like this, there have to be some ground rules.

  1. You need to go through each of the 21 steps on the day it’s assigned to you.
  2. If you skip a step, or do a step out of order you forfeit the guarantee.

And one more thing…

You need to put down a “real person” deposit of $97 $49 (discounted) which is immediately refundable if your application is not accepted.

Now, before you say, “Wait, I thought I was getting this for free?!” you should know that…

I couldn’t care less about your $49.

I’m just using it as a “filter” to keep the tire-kickers away and make sure that people won’t be taking unfair advantage of this offer and wasting my coaches’ time.

Remember, $49 is LESS than 1% of the actual cost of the program.

The program normally costs $5,000… over 100 times what I’m asking as a “real person” deposit.

And if this doesn’t make you at least $1,000 within 30 days… you are GUARANTEED to get $500 cash from me.

This $500 cash guarantee will cover your deposit more than 10 times over!

So, when you think about it… what you’re getting is BETTER THAN FREE.

In the off chance that you don’t make at least $1,000 in commissions after going through this system, you will get $500 cash from me.

You’ll actually come out on TOP by $451.

Think of it this way…

If someone walked up to you and said, “Give me $50 bucks, and I’ll give you $500 back,” what would you do?

You’d give them $50 right there on the spot… or find an ATM!

That’s essentially what I’m offering you.

No matter how you look at you have ZERO RISK.

Note: I will NOT be able to offer this insane guarantee forever. My accountant won’t let me – he’s already tearing his hair out over this. So in order to keep him from having a heart attack, I am limiting this to the first 250 people who sign up. This will also ensure that my Top Tier Coaches can give you the individual attention you deserve and dedicate plenty of time to your account.

Here’s What I Want You To Do Next…

To apply, click on the Add To Cart button below.

You’ll be taken to a page to fill out your information for your Application Kit. After you fill out your information, someone from my staff will be in touch to ask you a few simple questions to make sure you’re a good fit for the program.

If your application is not accepted, your $49 deposit will be instantly refunded to you.

If you are accepted, then I look forward to working with you. I’m sure we’ll be making a LOT of money together.

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To Your Success,

Matt Lloyd

P.S. I believe that you deserve a better life. I believe that you deserve a chance to enjoy the freedom and security that an online business can provide. My Top Tier Business is a 100% Risk-Free chance for you to get what you deserve.

You hear it a lot… but this truly is a Once In A Lifetime chance.

Do not let this pass you by…

P.P.S. Remember, you get Instant Access to a direct sales system that will deposit $1,000… $3,000… and $5,000 commissions into your bank account WITHOUT you ever having to pick up the phone. You will get personal 1-on-1 coaching to walk you through the 21 steps that are GUARANTEED to make you at least $1,000 within 30 days. And I’m so confident this will work for you, that I will back up my guarantee with $500 cash paid to you through PayPal or by check. Apply below now.

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